New Building Design
We are experienced in a wide variety of structural systems and building materials (wood, reinforced concrete, masonry, and structural steel). The selection of the most appropriate structural system and construction material(s) is based upon consideration of many factors such as architectural design, building size, column/wall grid spacing, fire rating, construction budget, project scheduling, site location and conditions, desired performance, etc. We will recommend the best solutions for your building project.
Complete engineering services can be provided. These services typically start with feasibility/schematic designs to formulate the overall design concept (and importantly estimate costs of construction) and proceeds through design development and final construction documents. Following submittal of the construction documents to the permitting agency, we provide all construction support services (shop drawing and submittal reviews, construction observation, clarifications, etc.) necessary to complete the building project.
We believe in a collaborative process of design. Ideas and information from all participants in the design process (including the owner) contribute to forming an appropriate solution. Wherever possible, participation by the builder (in a pre-negotiated contract) is often useful in assessing alternate structural systems and details of construction and their impact on cost and time to construct.
Representative Projects

Microsoft SV Campus, Mtn View, CA - Lobby Addition

Microsoft SV Campus, Mtn View, CA - Lobby Addition

Microsoft SV Campus, Mtn View, CA - Lobby Addition