Due Diligence
Due-diligence building reviews are typically requested for lease, purchase, refinance or when obtaining property insurance. These evaluations often include an on-site building condition assessment, detailed review of construction drawings and engineering reports, Scenario Expected and Upper Bound Damage Loss computations (PML’s), and a summary report with findings and recommendations. RCG has performed due diligence reviews for numerous residential, office and commercial buildings.
The on-site building condition assessment is comprehensive and includes the following: building enclosure system condition including exterior walls, windows and roofing for condition and integrity against water intrusion; examination of building perimeter for signs of building settlement issues; survey of floors for cracking and deflection; survey of building utility equipment for support, anchorage and bracing (e.g. chillers, fans, pumps, boilers, cooling towers, piping, etc.); and signs of prior earthquake damage to structural elements (walls, braces, etc.). Representative photographs and notes are taken to document observations which are included in our due-diligence report.

Umpqua Bank Plaza, Portland, Oregon

Umpqua Bank Plaza, Portland, Oregon